Trails Stewardship

The Maryland Horse Council’s Trails Stewardship Committee liaises with Maryland’s many trail riding groups, supports recreational land uses including public trails and trail access, and provides educational opportunities for horsemen working on local land use issues. The committee also hosts a monthly Trails Stewardship Town Hall to discuss questions and concerns about our extensive system of equestrian trails. Our Town Halls are open to the public.

Trail riding

Most riders in Maryland are trail riders

Recreational riding alone supports ~5,000 jobs and has a total economic impact of recreational riding in Maryland is $461 million in 2022 dollars.

Most trail riders in Maryland ride on public land, and those lands are under pressure from all user groups. We feel strongly that it is our responsibility to be good stewards of our trails – to share the trails, to be safe on the trails, and to help maintain the trails. We also feel strongly that we need to have a seat at the table for any state, county, or local conversations about the recreational use of Maryland’s public lands.

As a result, we created the Trails Stewardship Committee to connect our community and to be the be voice of our community.

Trails Columns from The Equiery


  • MHC conducted a survey of trail riders at the request of the Department of Natural Resources. (2023)
  • MHC successfully pursued passage of a bill guaranteeing access to trail heads on state land for users and first responders. (2022)
  • MHC testified in favor of the Great Maryland Outdoors Act for increased funding for public land. (2022)
  • MHC began monthly trails stewardship Town Halls. (2021)
  • MHC adopted policy against snare trapping. (2021)
  • MHC worked successfully to keep parks open for trail riding during the COVID-19 State of Emergency. (2020)
  • MHC defeated seven Sunday hunting bills, which were among 42 bills and resolutions monitored by the Legislative Committee. (2015)
  • MHC and DNR partnered to host a Trail Maintenance Seminar. (1998)
  • MHC partnered with the Plantation Walking Horses of Maryland to release the “Multi-Use Trail Etiquette and Safety Guidelines” brochure for multi-use trails. (1995)

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